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Sweden is spelled incorrectly at the map.


from the albani listing in the drink section: [1] (page in Danish) -- (WT-en) Tim 16:31, 31 July 2006 (EDT)

I am an Irish student who is travelling to Odense to study in SDU from the 30th of August. During my stay I will fully update this article & improve the quality of English in use here. Regards, -Chris



I updated the listing tags and improved some information using the city's municipal website, and the tourism website, provided at the beginning of the guide. See User:(WT-en) Sapphire/Sandbox/Odense. -- (WT-en) Andrew Haggard (Sapphire) 03:47, 17 August 2006 (EDT)

Complete Overhaul of the Page.


I'm the Irish student, who left a comment above. I've been living & studying here for almost 8 months now, so I have finally decided to put everything that I've learned together & fix up this page.

Today I've edited the following...

Get in Eat (Budget Section)

Over the next few days I'll keep on working to improve the page..! Later :)

(WT-en) Disonyxiated 21:00, 2 June 2007 (EDT)

Photos Removed.


I have removed the two photos on the page. They were too large & need to be resized. Once I finish editing the text I will replace them with many more newer pictures. --(WT-en) Disonyxiated 21:20, 2 June 2007 (EDT)

See Project:How to add an image for details of how to resize images within the article. - (WT-en) Todd VerBeek 23:55, 2 June 2007 (EDT)
I put them back. Replace them when you have something better. --(WT-en) elgaard 16:50, 4 June 2007 (EDT)

Okay, thanks ;) --(WT-en) Disonyxiated 17:17, 6 June 2007 (EDT)



Okay well I've finished my edits, let me know what you think. ;) (WT-en) Disonyxiated 18:58, 6 June 2007 (EDT)

Looks pretty good. Thanks for all the work. But of course no article is every "finished". :) - (WT-en) Todd VerBeek 13:27, 7 June 2007 (EDT)
Looks Good. A few pieces are not specific to Odense and should be in the Denmark artickle. Emergency numbers, Currency should not be in all city articles. --(WT-en) elgaard 18:38, 11 June 2007 (EDT)

I agree to an extent. The currency part I feel should be left. For example yesterday I met 2 US tourists on the train from Hamburg to Odense for a day-trip & they didn't realise that Denmark wasn't in the Eurozone. As for the emergency numbers, I've replaced that with the Odense police number instead. --(WT-en) Disonyxiated 19:24, 12 June 2007 (EDT)

Excactly. They did not think that there was a specieal Odense currency. They should look in the Denmark article for currency info. Otherwise we will repeat the same currency info 500 times for all danish locations. --(WT-en) elgaard 10:07, 1 August 2007 (EDT)

Fixing the Page.


There's been a number of edits to the page which has lowered its quality considerably. For starters someone has copied a few thousand words directly from the 'visitodense' website & posted them directly into the wrong section of the page. This has been removed. Other than that I'm just going to read through & sort out any grammatical errors. --(WT-en) Disonyxiated 06:56, 6 January 2008 (EST)

Glad you caught that - and thanks for tackling this! (WT-en) Gorilla Jones 11:05, 6 January 2008 (EST)



I see that in the top line of the article it says that Odense is the capital of Fyn. Fyn does not have a capital, it's no country. So why does it say that?

The Funen article calls it the "regional capital". (WT-en) Jpatokal 12:02, 26 May 2009 (EDT)



You can not hail a taxi from the street. Though this is done in some countries, it is not how people get a taxi in Denmark, it is seen as rude and is most likely not legal. Instead the taxi's have places designated by the council, where they hold. Besides that you can get at taxi, using the taxi companies websites, app or telephone nr.